Thursday, August 23, 2007

The 2nd week is coming to an end...

It's the second week of the semester already. Gosh but I'm still kinda stuck in the honeymoon mood. Shit, this is bad. Somebody help me! I know I should start mugging already, or at least read my textbook after every lecture.. I'm really trying very hard to do that already! But the textbooks are really boring man. I will take hours or even days to finish reading one chapter. =( I dunno why but I'm already feeling busy! (that explains why I haven't been updating this poor blog) I can't imagine what it's gonna be like when tutorials start next week. Yikes. And I think my brain is really rusty after idling for 8months. Boo Hoo.

Ok I've given up hope on hall already. So now I'm applying for PGP for my hostel waiting list. I really hope I'll get it! Then it'll just mark the end of my 3-hour travelling time and I'll be a happy girl =D PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE gimme PGP! Sigh if only Alicia told me earlier that she might be able to pull me in, I would have put Sheares as my first choice! But on the other hand, the keyword is MIGHT and Sheares might just pull my CAP score down to a bottomless pit. So maybe PGP is a better choice!

Alright it's 1am and I have not finished my theory homework and there's piano tmr! I shall update over the weekend about the exciting (or maybe not so exciting) things that I've done.

Good night!

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